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Reunion Weekend 2024 with Jewish Life at Duke

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You’re Invited! Reunion Weekend 2024 Events with Jewish Life at Duke

Happy Reunion Weekend! Alumni celebrating a Duke reunion are invited to join the Jewish Life at Duke at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life for the following special events:

Shabbat with Jewish Life at Duke: Kabbalat Shabbat Services and/or Dinner
Friday, April 12 from 6:00 – 8:00 pm EST
Freeman Center for Jewish Life: 1415 Faber St., Durham

6:00 – 7:00pm Kabbalat Shabbat Services
7:00 – 8:00pm Shabbat Dinner

Join Jewish Life at Duke students, staff, and Campus Rabbi Elana Friedman for the weekly campus Shabbat observance. Join us for a pluralistic Shabbat service at 6:00pm, including our favorite Duke tradition, Good Thing of the Week. A home-cooked, kosher Shabbat dinner provided by the Freeman Center Café follows at 7:00pm after services. 

Alumni are welcome for all or part of the evening’s events.

RSVP here.

Alumni Reunion Shabbat with Jewish Life at Duke

Jewish Life at Duke Briefing: A Conversation with Director Joyce Gordon
Sunday, April 14 from 10:00 am – 11:00 am EST
Freeman Center for Jewish Life: 1415 Faber St., Durham

Join Jewish Life at Duke to hear from Director Joyce Gordon about the ways JLD supports Jewish students and works toward the mission of empowering Jewish students to learn and grow intellectually and spiritually; to inspire and nurture personal paths to Jewish identity; and to cultivate community and friendship. This is an opportunity for Jewish alumni to come together, learn about the Jewish student experience today, and ask questions.

RSVP here.

Jewish Life at Duke Briefing: A Conversation with Director Joyce Gordon

Bagel Brunch with Jewish Life at Duke and the Duke Jewish Alumni Network
Sunday, April 14 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm EST
Freeman Center for Jewish Life: 1415 Faber St., Durham
Before you head to the airport, enjoy a bagel brunch with Jewish Life at Duke and the Duke Jewish Alumni Network! Drop by the Freeman Center for Jewish Life to nosh on a delicious bagel brunch, reconnect with fellow alumni, and meet current students and staff.

RSVP here.

Join your fellow alumni hosts for the Reunion Weekend Bagel Brunch with Jewish Life at Duke:

Class of 2019 Hosts

Aubrey Howard ’19, MMS ’20, MBA ’21
Jillian Lowey ’19
Bonnie Lerman ’19
Miriam Levitin ’19
Jackson Prince ’19

Class of 2014 Hosts

Matt Schorr ’14

Class of 2009 Hosts

Doug Bycoff ’09

Class of 1999 Hosts

Mara Aronson Geronemus ’99

Class of 1994 Hosts

Dana Goldsmith Needleman ’94, Chair of Jewish Life at Duke Advisory Board
Amy Saperstein Herman ’94, P’26
Jared Sclove ’94, MBA’00, P’24, P’27
Neil Steiner ’94

Class of 1989 Hosts

Sheree Cooper Levy ’89, P’18, P’21
Ken Jacobs ’89, P’21, P’24
Gregg Tenser ’89, P’27

Class of 1984 Hosts

Joel Levitin ’84, P’19
Robyn Levy ’84, P’21, P’27  

Class of 1979 Hosts

Marilyn Dickman Tabak ’79, P’04, P’08
Jeff Tabak ’79, J.D.’82, P’04, P’08, Emeritus Board Chair of Jewish Life at Duke Advisory Board 

Bagel Brunch with Jewish Life at Duke and the Duke Jewish Alumni Network

Questions? Contact the Jewish Life at Duke team at

For the full schedule of Duke Reunion Weekend events, visit the Reunion website.

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About Jewish Life at Duke

Jewish Life at Duke (JLD) is the hub for all things Jewish on Duke’s campus. An accredited Hillel as well as a department within Duke University’s Division of Student Affairs, Jewish Life at Duke is guided by a mission to empower Jewish students to learn and grow intellectually and spiritually; to inspire and nurture personal paths to Jewish identity; and to cultivate community and friendship. Comprising the Freeman Center for Jewish Life and the Rubenstein-Silvers Hillel, JLD takes a pluralistic approach to Judaism to ensure that all Jewish students, regardless of affiliation, are welcome and included.

100% of JLD’s operating budget comes from donations from alumni, parents, and friends.
Become a donor to Jewish Life at Duke today.