NetNutrition is an online tool that can assist you in meeting your nutritional goals when dining on campus at Duke Dining locations. NetNutrition will help you to:
- Confirm the nutritional content of your food choices.
- Identify and select well-balanced meals.
- Identify possible allergens and food intolerances.
- Select preferences for specific types of diets such as vegetarian or vegan.
Access NetNutrition here!
Duke Dining Food Allergen Policy
Our goal is to provide guests with a safe, enjoyable, and inclusive dining experience to the best of our ability. Duke Dining is committed to keeping guests with food allergies and potential adverse reactions safe through four key tenants:
- Identification of the nine major food allergens (milk, egg, fish, shellfish, peanut, tree nut, wheat, soy and sesame) as well as gluten-containing menu items.
• Access to full ingredient lists (online) or by request at Duke Dining locations.
•Standardization of preventive actions to reduce the risk of cross-contact in all facets of food service from procurement to the plate.
•Provide food allergy safety training to all Duke Dining food service staff.
What is a food allergy?
A food allergy is an immune system response to a food the body mistakenly identifies as harmful. Even trace amounts of that substance may result in a sudden, severe, life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis. When a person with food allergy eats the food, their immune system releases massive amounts of chemicals, including histamine. This may trigger rapid symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal tract, the skin, and/or the cardiovascular system.
An adverse food reaction refers to Celiac Disease, for the purposes of this policy.
This policy applies to all guests with medically diagnosed food allergies and other adverse food reactions (example: Celiac Disease).
- To promote food allergy safety and awareness to staff, students, and visitors.
- To provide clear, accurate, timely and up to date food allergy education and safety training to all Duke Dining Staff and all Duke Dining Contract Vendors on campus.
- To ensure that information and support is available to Duke Dining staff, contract vendors, and guests. This information is available through NetNutrition®, at point of service (menu identification cards as well as “Ask Me” representatives and binders available at all locations). Duke Dining Staff and contract food vendors on campus have ongoing access to members of the Duke Dining Administration team who are FARECheck Instructors. Guests are encouraged to contact for additional information as needed.
Duke Dining takes your health seriously and makes every attempt to assist guests with dietary restrictions through menu transparency and full ingredient lists. Every effort is made to train our food production and service staff on the severity of food allergies, and to label menu items to alert guests of common foodallergens/gluten that may be present. Our staff is trained to serve food safely and minimize the risk of cross contact, however as with any large food service establishment there is always a risk of cross contact, airborne allergens, and the possibility that manufacturers of the commercial foods we use could change the formulation at any time, without notice. Those with food allergies need to be aware of these risks.
* Merchants-on-Points and Food Truck providers have their own policies and procedures regarding food allergen identification and policies regarding safe food handling and should be contacted directly with questions or concerns. These are local restaurants offering delivery services to campus and are unaffiliated with the university.
Duke Dining strives to foster an environment of transparency through:
- Notifying individuals of the procedures and support available to accommodate food allergies and outline the personal responsibility of individuals with severe food allergies relating to the management of their allergy.
- Outlining the roles and responsibilities of the University and staff to support individuals with severe food allergies.
- Working to reduce the possibility of an allergic reaction through enhanced education and training of staff and serving as a resource to the Duke Community.
Division of Responsibilities
Students (staff and visitors as applicable)
- Register with the Student Disability and Access Office
- Students should carry with them a Food Allergy Emergency Plan and share with fellow diners where it is kept.
- Contact to discuss accommodations.
- Identify as having food allergies when registering for a dining plan.
- Alert a Duke Dining team member immediately to let them know of your food allergies. Find your “Ask Me” representative when placing orders if you have a question.
- When placing mobile orders, note food allergies or other restrictions at the end of the order before submitting.
- Regularly check NetNutrition® on the Duke Dining Website for allergen information and full ingredient lists.
- Check allergy labels at point of purchase every time you order food.
- Clearly state your food allergies or adverse food reactions when placing orders.
- Always carry medication in case of an emergency and regularly check expiration dates.
- If you are experiencing a potential allergic reaction, administer epinephrine and ask the closest Duke Dining team member to call for help (911) immediately.
Duke Dining
- Duke Dining has 2 certified FARECheck instructors who maintain their instructor status annually.
- All Duke Dining staff are required to complete allergen training before working on Duke University’s campus and annually thereafter.
Production and Service:
- The Duke Dining Administration Team ensures the food allergy policy and procedures are communicated, implemented, and reviewed at least annually.
- Identify the top nine allergens (and gluten) at point of service, online (NetNutrition), and in printed ingredient binders.
- New menu items will not be served until allergy information is established and approved by the Duke Dining Nutrition Manager.
- Ingredient substitutions must be analyzed and approved by the Duke Dining Nutrition Manager prior to being served.
- NetNutrition® and ingredient binders are updated with new ingredient or menu items prior to service.
Duke Dining Food Allergy Specific Programs
FARECheck Gold is a certification from FARE that includes live instructor-led training of the FARECheck Training, and annual on-site audits to ensure compliance with the training and precautions that have been put in place.
- Duke Dining’s last external audit Marketplace was completed July 2022.
- Duke Dining to maintain 2 FARECheck Instructors to provide food allergy safety training to all staff.
- This certifies that there are no peanuts or tree nuts (including coconut) in ingredients or recipes used in this facility. Ingredients with precautionary or advisory labeling have also been excluded from food preparation and service.
“Ask Me” Allergen Program
What is the “Ask Me” program?
The “Ask Me” Allergen Awareness Program is designed to provide customers who have food allergies, access to an easily identifiable team member who can address their questions or concerns at point of service.
Why have we created this program?
The program was designed to create an environment of inclusivity and transparency for our customers. We want to ensure that our customers know that their safety is a priority for us.
To provide the Duke Community access to information and service that inspires comfort and confidence when dining at any Duke Dining location. Additionally, we want customers to know that we are capable of supporting their dietary needs. Lastly, we want to reach those who may find it difficult to openly discuss their needs.
How does it work?
- Duke Dining partners will have identifiable, food allergy safety trained employees for each shift, as the "Ask Me" food allergy expert on duty.
- "Ask Me" food allergy experts will be easy to spot in their purple "Ask Me" hat.
- The "Ask Me" food allergy expert will be the representative for the Duke community and their team members who need to find ingredient and allergen information for any recipe or ingredient served at their specific dining location.
- ”Ask Me” representatives must be visible to customers at all times.
- "Ask Me" leaders must be the person to prepare all made-to-order meals for guests with food allergies.
- Designated purple kits must be used for allergen-free meal preparation. Kits must be cleaned and sanitized in between uses as well as the countertop or prep space that the meal is being prepared on.
- The "safely prepared for you" sticker must be used to label the allergen free meal once it has been prepared, for both in-person to-go meals as well as mobile ordering.
Who are the program leaders?
- Manager (required) Chefs or Shift Leads, Dining Administration
- Duke Dining requires ServSafe certified staff to be FARECheck trained, as well, and to have the proper understanding of a caring, attentive, customer service attitude, including speaking the common language understood by the customer.
Additional Resources
FARECheck Training, Ingredient Binders, Purple “Ask Me” Hats (must be worn) Duke Dining NetNutrition® (
To contact a Duke Dining FAREcheck instructor email

ASK ME® Allergy Program
Please tell us about your ASK ME® program experience here!
Duke Dining is the FIRST college/university dining program to be FARECheck Gold certified with Marketplace and Trinity Café being nut-free-friendly! Read the article here
and watch the video here!
The ASK ME® Allergy Awareness Program was designed to provide customers who have food allergies, access to an easily identifiable team member who can address their questions or concerns at point of service.
Why have we created this program?
The program was designed to create an environment of inclusivity and transparency for our customers. We want to ensure that our customers know that their safety is a priority for us.
To provide the Duke Community access to information and service that inspires comfort and confidence when dining at any Duke Dining location. Additionally, we want customers to know that we are capable of supporting their dietary needs. Lastly, we want to reach those who may find it difficult to openly discuss their needs.
How does it work?
- Duke Dining partners will have identifiable, food allergy safety trained employees for each shift, as the ASK ME® food allergy expert on duty.
- ASK ME® food allergy experts will be easy to spot in their purple ASK ME® hat.
- The ASK ME® food allergy expert will be the representative for the Duke community and their team members who need to find ingredient and allergen information for any recipe or ingredient served at their specific dining location.
- ASK ME® representatives must be visible to customers at all times.
- ASK ME® leaders must be the person to prepare all made-to-order meals for guests with food allergies.
- Designated purple kits must be used for allergen-free meal preparation. Kits must be cleaned and sanitized in between uses as well as the countertop or prep space that the meal is being prepared on.
- The "safely prepared for you" sticker must be used to label the allergen free meal once it has been prepared, for both in-person to-go meals as well as mobile ordering.
Who are the program leaders?
- Manager (required) Chefs or Shift Leads, Dining Administration
- Duke Dining requires ServSafe certified staff to be FARECheck trained, as well, and to have the proper understanding of a caring, attentive, customer service attitude, including speaking the common language understood by the customer.