2024 Family Weekend – DISC Family Weekend

Come enjoy an opportunity to celebrate Duke’s Family Weekend with the Duke international community (undergraduates, graduates, and their families). Enjoy pizza, soft drinks, beer/wine, and arcade games at Boxcar Bar + Arcade with classmates and community members from around the world.
Note: U.S. State-issued IDs or original passports are required for entry into Boxcar Bar + Arcade for adults, including students under 21.
1) ID Required for:
- ALL Duke students–regardless of age
- Any guests aged 18 and older
2) Valid ID includes:
- a) Original Passport
- b) U.S. State-issued driver’s license
- c) U.S. State-issued general ID card
- d) U.S. Military ID
- NOTE: Digital/paper copies of IDs are not acceptable.
3) Boxcar will scan a copy of your ID before you can enter the venue.
- This rule also applies to any guests. Anyone aged 18 and older must have valid ID which will be scanned before they can enter.
DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 17, 2024
- 4:00 PM:
- Event begins.
- Arcade games available.
- 4:15 PM:
- Salad, appetizers and drinks are available.
- 4:30 PM:
- Pizzas and desserts are available.
- 7:00 PM:
- End of event.
- Boxcar Bar + Arcade, 621 Foster St, Durham, NC 27701 (map)
- 1. There is no cost to attend. The following are free:
- Food
- Non-alcoholic beverages
- Transportation to/from West Campus
- One (1) alcoholic beverage
- One (1) cup of game tokens
- 2. The venue is air-conditioned. You may want to bring a sweater if you often get cold.
- Buses will depart every 30 minutes from the Science Drive Circle bus stop beginning at 3:45 PM.
- Times at which the bus leaves to go TO Boxcar are highlighted.
- 3:30 PM – Arrive at Science Drive Circle.
- 3:45 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 4:00 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 4:15 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 4:30 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 4:45 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 5:00 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 5:15 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 5:30 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 5:45 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 6:00 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 6:15 PM – Pick up passengers and depart for Boxcar from Science Drive Circle.
- 6:30 PM – Drop-off at Boxcar, return to Science Drive Circle.
- 6:45 PM – Passenger pickup at Boxcar and return to Science Drive Circle.
- 7:00 PM – Passenger pickup at Boxcar and return to Science Drive Circle.
- 7:15 PM – Passenger pickup at Boxcar and return to Science Drive Circle.
- 7:30 PM – Complete service.
CHECK-IN (via DukeGroups mobile app)
Bring your phone. Check-in will be via QR code.
- 1. Download the DukeGroups mobile app from your app store. Do this BEFORE you arrive at Boxcar.
- iOS: App Store
- Android: Google Play
- 2. Log in to the DukeGroups mobile app using your NetID and password.
- 3. DISC will have a check-in QR code displayed at the event. Use the QR code reader in the DukeGroups mobile app to scan the check-in QR code.
- Caesar Salad
- Pretzel Knots
- salted
- garlic parmesan
- Classic cheese
- Pepperoni
- Beef sausage
- Veggie lover
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Cinnamon & Sugar Pretzel Knots
- Non-alcoholic beverages (unlimited)
- BAR – one (1) drink ticket for beer/wine only
- TOKENS — pre-measured cup of twelve (12) tokens
The legal drinking age in the United States is 21.
Remember to obey North Carolina laws and Duke University’s alcohol policy. Please note that failure to obey alcohol laws and policies may impact your scholastic program or even result in criminal consequences:

- The legal age to drink is 21. Bars/restaurants reserve the right to refuse service.
- Valid/Current identification is required.
- Buying/giving alcohol to minors is illegal.
- At a bar/restaurant, it is illegal to buy/give alcohol to anyone if they do not have proper identification, even if they are 21+.
- Physical valid/Current identification must be a passport, US Issued License, or US Military ID. Paper/digital copies are not accepted.
Other rules regarding alcohol safety:
- You may be asked to show your ID to the bartender every time you request an alcoholic beverage. If asked to show your ID, you must do so.
- Do not share your drink with anyone.
- Have designated check-in buddies. Check on your friends every 15-30 minutes to make sure they are (1) still at the venue, and (2) feeling well. Have them do the same for you.
- Bartenders are legally allowed to stop serving you alcohol if they think you have had too much to drink. Even if you disagree, their decision is final. Switch to water.
IMPORTANT NOTES — Read before registering!
1) After 7 PM, Boxcar Bar + Arcade is aged 21-and-up only.
- At 7 PM, all children and adults aged 20 and younger must leave Boxcar Bar + Arcade.
2) Only take food and desserts for yourself. Not your friends, not the whole table.
- A lot of food was wasted last year because of this. Some students hoarded desserts at their tables, meaning the venue kept running out.
- DISC staff and venue workers will remove plates piled high with food and desserts sitting in the middle of tables. We hope for more respectful and communal behavior this year.
3) Clean up after yourselves.
- In the US, cleaning your eating area after you are finished is expected as a matter of respect.
- Dispose of all food trash, used plates, napkins, forks, spoons, knives, etc.
- Clean up any food or spilled drinks from the (1) table and (2) chairs/benches.
- Return all glasses to the bar, or to the designated glass-return area.
4) Be polite and courteous to the venue employees.
- “Please” and “thank you” go a long way.
- Be patient and kind. The employees at Boxcar are deserving of respect and appreciation for their skilled service and hard work. Disrespectful students or guests may be asked to leave.
- The most important rule. We demand that you have oodles and oodles of fun. You must have ALL THE FUN!
- Yeah, that’s it. 🙂