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Each East Campus residence hall elects a slate of student leaders who plan events for the house, make decisions about using house funds, and serve as an advocacy group to give voice to first-year student issues.
You face unique challenges. Take advantage of our full range of academic resources. Undocumented students deal with academic, social, and emotional challenges unique to their situation. To help you get the best Duke University experience, we encourage undocumented students to explore all of the services provided by the Academic Resource Center, Academic Advising Center, Bass Connections, DukeEngage, Duke Immerse, and Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Academic Resource Center The Academic Resource Center (ARC) offers a variety of services including Learning Consultations, Peer Tutoring and Study Groups, and ADHD/LD Support. ARC services are free to all students during their undergraduate careers at Duke. Learning Consultations Our Learning Consultants…
Author: Sarabesh Natarajan & New Student and Family Programs Sarabesh Natarajan is a senior studying chemistry in the Trinity College of Arts and Science from Charlotte, North Carolina. He has served as a Resident Assistant (RA) on East Campus for three years. Sarabesh provided New Student and Family Programs with some insight on a day in the life of an RA: Q: In what ways do you intentionally make efforts to support student success through your role as a Resident Advisor (RA)? A: As a senior, I’m in a position where I can reflect on my time at Duke and give advice to…
Victoria Krebs (she/her) works in the Duke Reach Office, providing outreach and support for all students who report or are accused of harassment, discrimination, or sexual misconduct. She’s been at Duke since 2015, and in 2020 she began working on adaptable resolution cases, which offer students the option to resolve cases of harassment or misconduct outside of the formal conduct process. She holds a J.D. from the University of Tennessee, a M.S. in education from the University of Rochester, and a B.A. in psychology from Vanderbilt University. Outside of Duke, Victoria enjoys spending time with her spouse, four children, three…
Your wisdom and guidance have informed your students’ decisions up until this point in their lives and will continue to play a critical role in supporting their overall health and well-being throughout their time on campus and beyond. We’ve found that having conversations about substance use with family members prior to their arrival on campus contributes to an increase in student safety, ownership of their choices, and more positive experiences throughout their time at Duke. Students who have already thought about their own boundaries, social priorities, values, and familial expectations feel more confident in responding to challenges and scenarios that…
Move-in expectations, times, events, and other important information for the incoming class!
One of the key ingredients to a successful living experience is a solid relationship between roommates and a healthy roommate relationship takes time to develop. An important place to start is by getting to know each other.
This post contains policies and information aimed at fostering a safe environment for all who live within our residential communities.