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AUTHOR NAME Lucy Ren & Jordyn Williams BODY The following is a transcript of a podcast. The audio recording can be found here. — Hi parents and families. My name is Jordyn Williams, and I’m serving as the graduate intern for the New Student & Family Programs Office here at Duke this year. And today I am here with Lucy Ren, who is the Vice President of Professional Development for a pre-professional organization called Business Oriented Women. And she’s going to tell us a little bit about what this organization is and how Duke students can benefit from being a member…
AUTHOR NAME Gerald Harris Hi, my name is Gerald Harris. I’m the Sr. Director of Campus and Student Engagement for Duke Alumni Engagement and Development. I have one word to describe what my extremely long title means, and that is SERVE. Serve for me is short for Support, Educate, Relationships, Vision, and Expand. And that is what I do for our student population, as it relates to alumni engagement. I develop initiatives to support the transition of students throughout their entire cycle on campus to young alumni status with in-person and virtual engagement opportunities. Here are some ways for your student to find the support and…
[Text on the graphics] Colombia Colombia is the most populous nation of Spanish-speaking South America. Symbols on the Flag [image of Colombian flag] On the Colombian flag, the yellow stripe represents the gold abundant in Colombia, the blue the country’s seas and the red, the blood spilled fighting for Colombian independence. Fast Facts Area: 440,800 mi2 Population: 49,592,000 Capital: Bogotá Language: Spanish Religion: Roman Catholic Currency: Colombian peso Geography Colombia has an extremely diverse physical geography, with volcanoes and mountains in its center, tropical beaches along the north and west, deserts in the north, and grasslands in the east. Famous…
Need help with your next communications project? Our team is here to support you with a range of services to enhance your message and reach your audience effectively. Whether you need assistance with video production, photography, graphic design, web editing, social media, or writing, we’re ready to collaborate with you to bring your ideas to life. To request support, simply select the appropriate form below to get started. Each form will guide you through the information we need to assist you effectively. General Requests For communications needs such as basic graphic design, writing support or a consultation—please use our general…
Who We Are Student Organization & Programming Finance (SOP Finance), is a team of paymentspecialists in Duke Student Affairs Finance & Administration. Our office functions similar to a bank for student organizations. Our team is primarily remote, though we are on occasion, in Smith Warehouse Bay 4. We process all financial transactions for recognized student organizations, and serve as a liaison between student organizations and larger financial offices at Duke University. Who We Work With Undergraduate RSOs Open Membership Closed Membership Competition Group Greek Graduate/Professional RSOs Student Government Duke University Union Office Hours Monday-Friday09:00am – 12:00pm1:00pm – 04:30pm Contact…
Durham Ordinances and Policies See below for the most important ordinances students need to know. Noise Trash Outdoor Maintenance Durham’s noise ordinance applies 24/7 but becomes stricter after 11pm: Before 11pm the noise level is 60 decibels, or the volume of 2 adults having a “normal” conversation. After 11pm, the noise level is 50 decibels, or the volume of 2 adults having a “quiet” conversation. Durham’s noise ordinance results in criminal consequences: you can be cited and have to appear in court for a violation. The noise ordinance covers “unreasonably loud” or “disturbing” noise and specifically prohibits amplified music after 11pm….
Stay in Touch, Get Involved We appreciate the alum, faculty and staff who support CSGD through their time, talent, gifts and thoughts. If you need information, start here. The Accomplice Crew Join the CSGD’s Accomplice Crew, a newsletter sent once a semester to keep alumnx and supporters updated on our progress, happenings, and impact. For questions and concerns, please email Duke Alums Welcome back to Duke! The Duke LGBTQ Network is the official LGBTQ affinity group of Duke Alumni Relations. The Center is proud to host two alumnx receptions each year. Please read more about these events on our Annual Programs page. We would like to…