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Our Plant-Forward Philosophy: Background We’re not eating enough plant-based foods. According to the Center for Disease Control, only 1 in 10 adults in the U.S. eat the recommended daily amount of fruits and vegetables. We’re eating a lot of animal proteins. Alternatively, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, an individual in the U.S., on average, eats more than 200 pounds of meat each year. Our food choices have important effects on our health. Importantly, increased consumption of plant-based foods provides important health benefits: · Promotes gut health, potentially reducing the risk of depression · Better blood sugar control ·…
Reserving Space @ the CMA Check back soon! NOTE: Space Reservations do NOT include the individual CMA Affinity Spaces. How to Request a CMA Space Reservation Check back soon Center for Multicultural Affairs Space Policy Check back soon Coalition Space 1 (0010) Coalition Space (004) Meeting Space (006) CMA Patio Coalition Space 1 (0010) Check back soon Coalition Space 2 (004) Check back soon Meeting Space (006) Check back soon CMA Patio Check back soon
Harley Locklear Assistant Director he/him Harley joined Duke in July 2023 and currently serves as an Assistant Director in the CMA. In his current role, Harley’s work focuses on the Native American/Indigenous and undocumented communities at Duke, providing programs and services in the areas of community engagement, multicultural education, social justice advocacy, and leadership development. Harley is an Indigenous scholar and citizen of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina. He holds a B.A. in American Indian and Indigenous Studies (2018) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, a M.A.Ed. in Counselor Education (2020) from the University of North…
NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH 2023 Reclaim, Restore, Preserve This year’s theme “Reclaim, Restore, Preserve”, is a response to the current climate crisis that our global community is facing. It is a charge for not only the reclamation of land, but the reclamation of indigenous ways of knowing and existing that have sustained our people and this land for millennia. It is a call for the restoration of justice for indigenous communities by addressing past and ongoing environmental injustices. It is the imperative of preservation that will safeguard our planet and culture for generations to come. Native American Heritage Month 2023…
Heritage Months This page is under construction! Check back soon for updates. For each of the individual heritage month expansions, please see the sidebar or tiles below. Questions? Contact Latinx Heritage Month/Hispanic Heritage Month September 15-October 15 Click here for LHM @ Duke! LGBT History Month October Led by the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity History of LGBTQ Life at Duke Native American Heritage Month November Click here for NAHM @ Duke! Black History Month February In collaboration with the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture BHM 2024 Women’s History Month March Led by Women’s Center at…
BLACK HISTORY MONTH 2024 in collaboration with the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture For the FULL Black History Month experience, click here! African Americans and the Arts Since 1976, every American president has designated February as Black History Month and endorsed a specific theme. The Black History Month 2024 theme, “African Americans and the Arts,” explores the key influence African Americans have had in the fields of “visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression.” (History) African American art is infused with African, Caribbean, and the Black American…
Support the Women’s Center! Thank you for supporting the Duke Women’s Center. Your generous contribution allows us to continue to do feminist, womanist, socially-just work on Duke’s campus. If you’d like to make a donation, please click the button below or use this link to access the secure Duke Gifts page. Here, you can specify your gift amount, type, and frequency. You can also indicate that you would like your gift to remain anonymous, or if you would like to receive a personalized Women’s Center thank you note. If you have any questions about your gift or other donation-related affairs, please…
Shavonne Ross Staff Specialist she/her Check back soon to learn more about Shavonne! Phone: Office Phone: TBAFax: 919-681-7565 Email: Office Location: 125 Science Drive101G Bryan CenterBox 90917Durham, NC 27708
One of the CMA’s core values is being student-centered. We believe that it is both academics and the co-curricular experiences that make up a student’s overall college experience. We offer a variety of services and initiatives that we believe will foster a positive holistic experience for undergraduate students beginning their first year through graduation. Below you will find resources regarding academic support, one-on-one advising, first year outreach, and financial support for student organizations to name a few. For additional questions or info please contact one of the professional staff Support focused on your needs. Academics Orgo Learning Community (OLC) OLC is…
WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH 2024 2024 WHM Theme: 35th Anniversary Kickoff The Women’s Center began as a cubicle in the Bryan Center in 1989 and has since grown into a hub for gender equity, community-building, and leadership development among women, femme-identified, and non-binary students across campus. Join us to honor our past, reflect on our growth, and plan for our future as we celebrate Women’s History Month 2024 in conjunction with our 35th Anniversary Kickoff! Explore our events and more from across campus in the calendar below. Calendar of Events Most of the events listed will be able to be found…
How Can Individual Counseling Help Me? Through this service, students meet with us and collaboratively work to determine and agree upon goals of treatment. We work within a time-effective frame that offers different courses of action based on students’ needs. Our providers employ different strategies to help students meet their personal and academic goals, in a way that honors their intersecting, empowered, and/or oppressed identities. Counseling is recommended to address a wide range of life circumstances that affect one’s ability to thrive, including but not limited to: Personal/Wellness issues: Anxiety, depression, loneliness, grief, body image, disordered eating, self-injurious and/or substance use…