Engage with Our Community
We offer a number of programs and events throughout the year. Please check Duke Groups for the entire upcoming schedule!
Regular Programming

The Friday prayer service (Jumu'ah) is a cornerstone of many Muslim communities. Join us for the CML’s Friday prayer service which includes a khutbah (sermon) and prayer. Stay after to enjoy food and socialize with the community! All are welcome.
When: Fridays, 1:00-1:30 p.m.
McClendon Tower, Fifth Floor (see Duke Groups for more)
Zoom Option: 984-6238-8647
To suggest a khutbah topic idea, click here.

KitabConnect is a weekly program during which students read and listen to small portions of the Qur'an in Arabic. Afterwards, the group engages in reflection and discussion about the meaning of the passage.
When: Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Center for Muslim Life
Zoom Option: 708-824-667

The Fajr Breakfast Club is a program where students can eat breakfast and pray fajr with community at the CML! The CML provides a Duke Van that will transport students to and from East Campus to the CML office on West Campus.Join the Fajr Breakfast Club Whatsapp group (bit.ly/fajrwithcml) for more!
When: Monday - Fridays before Fajr prayer (before dawn).
Where: Center for Muslim Life

The Black Muslim Talk Space is a reflection space for those at the intersections of Black and Muslim identities. The circle process, a restorative justice model of communicating, is a vital tool to create communities built on trust and support. Some of our past events have included art workshops and paint nights, game nights, discussions with speakers like Amir Muhammad, Director of the Islamic Heritage Museum, and more.
When: BMTS takes place every third Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
Where: Check Duke Duke Groups and the Duke CML Instagram for the most up-to-date information

Every semester, we host Triangle Muslim Mixers to allow Duke Muslims to meet and network with local Muslims from the Triangle and surrounding areas. Students have an opportunity to interact with Muslim leaders and professionals and learn more about the many resources available to them within the local communities.
Check Duke Duke Groups and the Duke CML Instagram for info about the next Triangle Muslim Mixer!
Special Events

The CML is proud to host an annual Duke Muslim Life Ambassadorial Tour, an experiential program where students meet Muslim communities from around the greater Triangle area. Students make several stops as they travel together on a day-trip bus tour. Stops include Islamic Association of Cary, Islamic Association of Raleigh, Apex Masjid, Ar-Razzaq Islamic Center and more!

Join the CML during Orientation Week for special programming to welcome new students to our community! During O-Week, new students can bring their families and meet returning students, families, staff, and faculty at our annual Welcome Back Barbeque where we have food, carnival games, and more. We also have a special O-Week Jumu’ah service and other opportunities to connect with CML staff and the Duke Muslim community.
Stay tuned on Duke Groups and the CML Instagram for information about O-Week 2022.

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is observed as a month of fasting to commemorate the first revelation of the Qur'an to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Every Ramadan, CML offers free suhoors and iftars, nightly programming, and maghreb, taraweeh, and isha prayers from Monday through Thursday. Iftars and programming are open to all!
Stay tuned on Duke Groups and the CML Instagram for information about Ramadan 2023.
Ashura marks the tenth day of Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Calendar. Ashura marks the epic martyrdom of Imam Hussain, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and, in Shia tradition, is commemorated through recitation of the Qur'an and lamentation poetry. In Sunni tradition, the day of Ashura has great virtue and fasting on this day, along with one day before or after it, is strongly encouraged. In honor of these traditions, CML offers programming for its Shia and Sunni students.

In typical years, for students who are not going home over Fall Break, the CML partners with the Duke International Student Center to offers a dinner event and gathering space for students and their friends to come together and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal.

Throughout the year, we invite Imams, religious scholars, Duke alumni, and other prominent figures in the Muslim community to speak with students, staff, and faculty at Duke. Check Duke Duke Groups and the Duke CML Instagram for info about the next speaker event.