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Office of Assessment

Home Dean of Students Assessment

Welcome to the Office of Assessment

The Student Affairs Office of Assessment (SAOA) provides resources, training and support to effectively implement assessment across the Division of Student Affairs. We cultivate data-informed practice toward transforming programs, services and climate to enhance student learning and the Duke experience. 
Our values mirror the Division's and Duke's values:
  • Respect - We are a community that affirms and encourages open expression, academic freedom, regard for others, and respect for laws and regulations.  
  • Trust - We are honest, credible and reliable in our words, behaviors, and actions. In Student Affairs, we understand that trust is relational.   
  • Inclusion - We welcome and fully engage students of diverse backgrounds, abilities, and perspectives to advance our work.   
  • Discovery - We seek to be an innovative community, to improve our individual capabilities, and to share knowledge with one another.  
  • Excellence - We enhance the student experience by offering high-quality learning and social opportunities and are always mindful of continuous improvement. 

The Student Affairs Office of Assessment works to:

  • Demonstrate the impact of Student Affairs on the Duke experience  
  • Leverage data to inform planning and improvement  
  • Increase individual and organizational capacity for data-informed practice 
  • Advance equity and inclusion in assessment processes and practices  
  • Build and evolve assessment infrastructure  
  • Partner to bridge data gaps and silos  

All Student Affairs departments align their annual assessment efforts with the following Core Assessment Priorities. Aligning assessment with core priorities enhances our capacity to positively impact student and staff experiences, and provides a dynamic framework for sharing and amplifying our stories. 

  • Strengthening Community 
  • Transforming Engagement & Learning 
  • Tailoring Support 
  • Operating with Excellence 

Meet the Team