Duke Dining Earns Distinguished Nutrition Award
The National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS) announced Duke Dining as the recipient of a distinguished NACUFS Nutrition Award. Duke Dining received…
Dean of Students Office Names Inaugural Innovation Grant Recipients
New Heaton-Blackshear awards support innovative solutions that serve the campus community.
Duke Alumnus Awarded for 50 Years of Service to Jewish Athletics
Duke Alum Roy Salomon shares about his induction into the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame and his encouragement for Jewish youth and young adults.
Things to do at Duke this summer
Staying at Duke / in Durham this summer and looking for things to do? Here are just a few options!
2023 WomC Award Ceremony
On Thursday March 30th, the Duke Women’s Center celebrated the 2023 WomC Awards in the President’s Suite of the Wallace Wade Stadium. For the first…
Reproductive Justice Student Symposium
The Duke Women’s Center kicked off 2023 Women’s History Month with a bang this year, hosting the Reproductive Justice Conference on Wednesday, March 8th, in…
Thrive Kitchen and Catering to Open New Bryan Center Location
Local vendor Thrive Kitchen and Catering will open a new dining venue in the Bryan Center this fall, according to Duke Dining. The new venue…
Duke Dining Expands Allergen-Free Locations
The new venues will be entirely free of the nine most common food allergens, including peanuts and tree nuts.
2023 Summer Transition Series
Our Summer Transition Series will help you: SCHEDULE: Additional sessions may be added throughout the summer. Continue to check back for updates. Thursday, May 18…
Rabbi Elana Friedman Awarded 2023 Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award
Rabbi Elana Friedman is selected as a 2023 Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award recipient.