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Upperclass Housing

Home Living Housing Upperclass Housing

west campus in spring

From its very beginning, Duke University has placed the highest value on being a residential campus that fosters community and personal growth. We believe that the experience outside the classroom is a vital part of each student's education: an opportunity to build lifelong friendships, develop personal responsibility, and gain experience in leadership and self-government in a supportive environment.

QuadEX focus on several interconnected areas of campus life and will be guided by the following goals:

  • Residential communities will be centered around seven West Campus Quads
  • East Campus Houses will be permanently connected to associated West Campus Quads
  • Each Quad will develop its own identity, traditions and social events
  • QuadEx will support students for their entire four years at Duke
  • First-year students will continue to live on East Campus, but will have automatic membership into their affiliated Quad on West Campus
  • Sophomores will live in their linked West Campus Quad - Students who have strong community connections to a differing quad can participate in an appeals process prior to the academic year housing application opening
  • Juniors will reside in their West Campus Quad or other upperclass housing on campus (Hollows, 300 Swift)
  • Seniors will live in their Quad, other upperclass housing or off campus
  • Juniors and seniors will retain affiliation with their Quad regardless of where they live

Further information can be found at

Residency requirement:

Duke requires students to live on campus for three years. We generally have space to guarantee housing for the fourth year, should a student choose to remain on campus. We have two campuses for upperclass students: West and 300 Swift.