Building Healthy Relationships
Request a Sexual Health Workshop
We are available to facilitate discussions and present interactive workshops on a variety of sexual health topics and can adapt any workshop to meet the needs of your group.
Safer Sex Supplies
Safer sex requests will resume in the fall.
We provide free, safer sex supplies to all Duke students including latex condoms, latex-free condoms, flavored condoms, lubricant, water-based lubricant, flavored lubricant, and latex dams.
Free, Confidential STI Testing
We offer free, confidential STI Testing to all Duke students. No appointment necessary.
Gender Violence Education and Outreach Programs
GVEO develops and contributes a wide range of programs and events to increase awareness about gender violence, which includes sexual and relationship violence, stalking, sexual harassment and more. We work to meet the needs of Duke students, faculty, and staff through our prevention efforts, promoting a culture of consent as well as a sense of community and belonging on campus.
Balthrop Cassidy (BC) Fellows
The BC Fellows foster a healthy campus community by teaching students how to develop caring and meaningful relationships of all types. This direct work is a core part of the QuadEx mission to cultivate a community where every student can thrive.