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coming soon LATINX HERITAGE MONTH 2024 Our Roots, Our Future As we celebrate Latinx Heritage Month here on campus, our theme, “Our Roots, Our Future,” is a reflection of our powerful journeys and desires. We are reminded of the importance of honoring our historical roots that have shaped our identities while looking towards the future where our values, rich traditions, and learnings along with our journey will create and inspire change. “Our Roots, Our Future” serves as a reminder of the contributions of the Latinx community both at Duke and beyond. It highlights the importance of remaining strongly connected to…
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Group Exercise Reduce Stress Through Movement Take a break and come on out to walk, run or stretch with your colleagues! Nov 20 | 12 – 1 PM | Run/Walk Club @ East Campus Loop Nov 21 | 2:30 – 3 PM | Guided Chair Exercises @ Marketplace Nov 25 | 11 AM – 12 PM | Yoga @ Student Wellness Center Dec 2 | 11 AM – 12 PM | Yoga @ Student Wellness Center Dec 4 | 12 – 1 PM | | Run/Walk Club @ East Campus Loop Dec 5 | 12 – 12:30 PM | Walking Meditation…
Student organizations play a critical role in enhancing the greater Duke community. We are here to help students and student organizations maximize their potential and create their Duke experience. This hub contains guides, tutorials, and resources to help your organization be successful. If there’s something that would be helpful to have, let us know! Duke Groups This section contains information on how to use the Duke Groups platform. Duke Groups Help Center 🌐 Duke Groups Basics 🎦 Add/Edit Members 🎦 Add/Edit Officers 🎦 Create an Event 🎦 Create an Event Guide 📄 Send Organization Emails 🎦 Manage Inventory…
Our Mission The mission of the Office of Gender Violence Education and Outreach (GVEO) is to create a community free from gender violence. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of consent, respect, accountability, and support to individuals and the community as a whole. GVEO seeks to empower students through education, awareness, and proactive measures. GVEO offers primary prevention programming, consultation, referrals, networking, risk reduction education, and health promotion. GVEO focuses on an approach that actively engages students, encourages participation, and fosters a culture change. Our Vision All students have the right to learn and live in an environment where…
Krystal George (she/her) Director As the Director of the Women’s Center, Krystal George oversees the operational aspects of the Women’s Center, but more importantly, she collaborates with her colleagues to fulfill the mission of the center. The mission of the Women’s Center is to promote a campus that supports, celebrates, engages, and collaborates with women, student groups, and stakeholders to build a Duke culture that centers gender equity, intersectionality, and social justice. This translates into her role at Duke. Creating a comfortable gathering space for women students and allies with diverse needs and interests. As well as educating the Duke…
Duke’s Military History History blends with the contemporary era as Duke continues to honor those who served and continue to serve. The Office of Student Veterans will continue to update and highlight Duke’s history with the military-affiliated community, however, if you wish to learn more, please visit the Duke University Archives. Below are some of the historical places and programs on campus that highlight Duke’s historic connection to and respect for military service. Brodie Recreation Center, East Campus Location: (36.007396, -78.916891) Formerly called Alumni Memorial Gym, Brodie Recreation Center on East Campus houses a commemoration to Duke students who fought and…
Access Support Support looks different for everyone. The information provided below enables you to become informed of the resources available to support those who have been affected by sexual misconduct. These are available regardless of whether or not you choose to initiate a formal process. We also recognize that confidentiality is particularly important to survivors of sexual misconduct. There are several options to seek support and/or report an incident of sexual harassment or violence. These options fall into two categories: confidential and non-confidential as defined below. For emergencies, call 911, Duke Police (919-684-2444), or the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988)…
Annual Reports Student Sexual Misconduct Annual Reports The publication of an annual report is part of Duke’s overall commitment to engage the community in eliminating sexual misconduct. Annual reports serve to facilitate transparency about Duke’s efforts to respond to student sexual misconduct and provide information about reports of sexual misconduct involving students, and supportive measures provided. 2020-2021 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report 2018-2019 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report 2017-2018 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report 2016-2017 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report 2015-2016 Sexual Misconduct Annual Report leave this page
2025-2026 Housing Process Upperclass Students Quad Questions Connections, Appeals Can I choose my quad? Students are assigned to quads before the start of their first year at Duke, as each East Campus residence hall is connected to a specific West Campus quad. First-year students live in their East Campus residence hall while being non-resident members of their assigned West Campus quad. During their sophomore year, students move “in quad” to live in their connected West Campus quad. Juniors and seniors have the option to live in their connected quad or in alternative housing options, such as the 300 or 301…
Get in Touch Please note that this form can NOT be used to file a report, and it is non-confidential. If somebody shares information about an allegation of sexual misconduct, staff members must file a report. If you wish to file a report or access confidential support, please see “Reporting Options” and “Get Support” above.
Contact the Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator (Confidential) You can reach the Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator, Amy Johndro, either via this form or directly at / 984-569-0592. Amy provides clinical care management and support planning to individuals who have experienced gender-based violence including stalking, sexual assault, relationship violence or sexual harassment. You can expect a response within 24 hours. Amy is a confidential resource, and filling out this form will NOT automatically trigger a report.