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Resources for Payroll Liaisons Information and Resources for payroll/HR processes related to hiring, paying, and terminating student staff. Go to resources Supervising Student Staff for Managers (COMING SOON) Resources and Information for working with, supporting, and supervising student staff and leaders. JobX Student Staff Employment Platform for posting and reviewing applications for Hourly and Work Study positions. Link to JobX
THE SPOT Check back soon!
Welcome to the Office of Assessment The Student Affairs Office of Assessment (SAOA) provides resources, training and support to effectively implement assessment across the Division of Student Affairs. We cultivate data-informed practice toward transforming programs, services and climate to enhance student learning and the Duke experience. Our values mirror the Division’s and Duke’s values: Respect – We are a community that affirms and encourages open expression, academic freedom, regard for others, and respect for laws and regulations. Trust – We are honest, credible and reliable in our words, behaviors, and actions. In Student Affairs, we understand that trust is relational. Inclusion – We…
I’ve Selected My Candidate. What’s Next? Take a look at our step-by-step guide to hiring your selected candidate! Hiring Process Overview Step 1: Reference Calls/Surveys Conducting reference checks are an important aspect of the hiring process. Hiring managers should take great care to intentionally check finalist references prior to making any type of offer. Hiring managers can perform reference checks at any stage of the process, for example, some managers may elect to conduct reference checks before deciding on-campus interview finalists. Reference checks are important because it allows managers to gain valuable candidate information beyond what has been communicated on…
Kosher deli classics, Mediterranean-inspired meals, and Freeman Favorites About & Hours Menu Duke Meal Plan Kashrut Catering The Freeman Center Cafe is a Kosher establishment located in the Freeman Center for Jewish Life, which also houses Jewish Life at Duke. Serving Duke students, faculty, staff, and the public. The Cafe is under the rabbinical supervision of Duke’s Campus Rabbi, Rabbi Elana Friedman, and operated in partnership by Duke Dining and Jewish Life at Duke. All items are prepared in our Kosher kitchens. Chef Sebastian Marcet serves up made-to-order kosher deli classics, Mediterranean-inspired meals, non-dairy coffee beverages, desserts, and more, catering…
Orientation Co-Chair The Orientation Co-Chairs will serve as the two lead students overseeing the implementation of New Student Orientation. They will provide critical student feedback, leadership, and direction to New Student and Family Programs as Duke implements Orientation Week. The Co-Chairs will serve as advocates for O-week at-large and amplify the student voice and experience. They will operate as extensions of New Student and Family Programs during planning and Orientation Week. The Co-Chairs are charged with helping to facilitate community building amongst the Orientation Board. They will also lead the Orientation Logistics Committee and be a support for all Project…
VAWA Brochure Duke Police offers this comprehensive guide of rights and options for victims/survivors of sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking. Please note this brochure is being updated to reflect current resources, including Duke’s Gender Violence Intervention Coordinator. You can find the most recent iteration of the VAWA Brochure below: leave this page
List of Services Coming Soon! In the meantime, click below for downloadable / printable resources on healthy relationships! Healthy Relationship Infographics
Welcome to Duke The Office of New Student and Family Programs provides programs and resources to our new student populations that effectively acclimate incoming students to Duke by promoting intellectual curiosity and building community. We provide part of the foundation of the undergraduate experience and serve as a resource and support network for new students. Please feel free to contact any member of the office staff. We would be happy to offer you our assistance, advice, and support. Who We Serve Our office is responsible for being stewards of a comprehensive university-wide welcome to our incoming class, transfer students, and…