Want to start a group at Duke?
Student group recognition is managed by Student Involvement & Leadership and is required for access to university support and resources, more specifically functions managed by Student Affairs.
New organization applications are open:
- September 15 - October 15 (fall semester)
- January 15 - February 15 (spring semester)
Applications are not accepted outside of these time periods.
Step 1: Research Existing Organizations
- Check Duke Groups to make sure a similar organization does not already exist.
- Contact any similar group(s) to determine if/how your grop would be different
- Check the list of inactive groups eligible for reactivation. If you want to reactivate an organization, please visit this page.
Step 2: Prepare Your Application Materials
- Choose a name for your organization.
- New student organizations are permitted to use " at Duke" at the end of the organization name. (example: ABC Club at Duke)
- New student organizations may not use "Duke University" in their name.
- Gather at least 10 currently enrolled students to be members of the organization.
- One person should be identified as President
One person should be identified as Treasurer
- One person should be identified as President
- Select a faculty or staff advisor that works at Duke.
- Choose the group type (see below) that best fits your group
- Create a constitution. Feel free to use our template.
Constitutions must include the following clauses:- The Organization shall adhere to Duke's Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment, and Related Misconduct. Discrimination and/or harassment based upon race, color, national origin, sex (including pregnancy, gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, genetic information, age, disability, or veteran status is prohibited.
- The Organization Executive Board will maintain the organization in good standing with Duke University via communication with Student Affairs and/or other university entities.
- Review the application rubric. This is how application reviewers will score your submission.
- Contact 10 members of your group to let them know to expect an email to verify their membership.
- Contact your faculty/staff advisor to let them know to expect an email to verify their role.
Group Types
- 10 active members (≥51% undergraduate students)
- Duke faculty/staff advisor
- Written constitution
- Open to all Duke undergraduate students
- Confirm compliance with all University policies
- No barriers to joining (application, audition, dues, etc.)
Additional information
- Cannot charge dues
- Can apply to programming fund
- Can apply to capital and operations fund
- Leaders must complete all annual student organization trainings
Requirements to start:
- 10 active members (≥51% undergraduate students)
- Duke faculty/staff advisor
- Written constitution
- Confirm compliance with all University policies
Additional Information:
- Can charge dues
- Can apply to programming fund
- Leaders must complete all annual student organization trainings
Any group applying for recognition that believes selective membership is warranted must receive the approval of the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership as a part of the application process (applications will be automatically sent to the Director). All such groups will be required to demonstrate that their selection process is integral to the success of the group, is openly advertised, fair, and non-discriminatory.
The full Selective Groups Standards and Process can be found here.
Requirements to start:
- 10 active members (≥51% graduate/professional students)
- Duke faculty/staff advisor
- Written constitution
- Confirm compliance with all University policies
Additional information
- Leaders must complete all annual student organization trainings
Any group applying for recognition that believes selective membership is warranted must receive the approval of the Director of Student Involvement and Leadership as a part of the application process (applications will be automatically sent to the Director). All such groups will be required to demonstrate that their selection process is integral to the success of the group, is openly advertised, fair, and non-discriminatory.
The full Selective Groups Standards and Process can be found here.
Step 3: Apply
- Go to the groups page on Duke Groups* during an active application period to submit your application
- Select the group type you have chosen and follow the prompts
- If your faculty/staff advisor does not populate in the form, contact leadership@duke.edu
Step 4: Await Review
- Applications will be reviewed
- on a rolling basis, weekly
- only after all officers, advisors, and members have confirmed their organization affiliation as listed on the application via Duke Groups
- by Student Involvement and Leadership students and staff to ensure groups meet recognition criteria
- Applications to reactivate a Department Sponsored organization must include a letter from their sponsoring department confirming they will provide a fund code (if needed) and administrative support. This letter must come from a faculty/staff member in the department.
- Applications that are incomplete (with all officers/member confirmed) by the end of the application period will be rejected.
Step 5: Complete Student Organization Training
- Organizations approved for recognition by Student Involvement and Leadership must complete a series of training sessions outlining the basics of leading an organization at Duke.
- Training sessions will be made available via Duke Groups.