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Janie Long Study Space

Janie Long Safe Study Space

Janie Long was the director of the CSGD from 2006-2014. In her time here, she dedicated herself to making Duke a safer space for everyone. Because of Janie Long, the CSGD was able to secure its large and prominent space in the Bryan Center, and why Lavender Graduation and Coming Out Day became such beloved traditions. She subsequently served as Duke's most high-profile LGBTQ+ administrator, the Associate Vice Provost in the Office of Undergraduate Education, until retiring in 2021.

In her honor, the Janie Long Study Space on the 4th floor of Perkins is meant to be both a safe space and a study space. You can read more about the study space and Janie's legacy here

Janie Long enjoys a quiet moment in the Perkins Library study space named for her. Photo by Stephen Schramm.