Get involved and plug into your community.
Blue Devils United
Blue Devils United is the student group for LGBTQ undergraduate students, allies, and friends. Blue Devils United seeks to provide social opportunities for LGBTQ students and their allies, outreach to students at Duke and in the community, and to advocate for the needs of LGBTQ individuals both at Duke and beyond.
For more information, join their listserv, or check out their Facebook group.
Athlete Ally
Duke Athlete Ally is a student organization advised by the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity alongside Duke Rec&PE and Duke Athletics. This organization works to create visibility, inclusivity, and awareness around the LGBTQIA+ community in sports, including intramural and recreation, to inspire the athletic community to champion equality for all individuals. For more information check out the Duke Athlete Ally Instagram.
DUSON Pride is the Gay-Straight Alliance at the Duke School of Nursing. DUSON Pride is committed to the advancement of the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and other individuals of minority status through the practice of nursing advocacy. Through social, educational and community events, DUSON Pride promotes advocacy, diversity and inclusiveness at Duke's School of Nursing and throughout the nursing profession.
For more information, please visit DUSON Pride's website, Facebook, or sign up for their listserv.
Duke Physical Therapy Pride
Duke University Physical Therapy PRIDE serves as a foundational resource for students, faculty, staff, alumni, and allies of the LGBTQ community. Our goal is to positively effect change in care for LGBTQ individuals, disseminate knowledge and encourage thoughtful discourse, create awareness of LGBTQ issues, provide community visibility, and promote equity.
For more information, visit the Duke Health GSA website or Facebook page.
DukeOUT is a group that brings together the LGBTQA community among the various graduate and professional schools. We are working to increase interaction among the LGBTQ graduate and professional students, increase the visibility of these issues, fight homophobia and make Duke a more welcoming environment for LGBTQ students.
Any questions can be sent to ‘'
For information and event updates visit the Facebook Group or Instagram page.
Fuqua Pride-Business School
Fuqua Pride is committed to building a community supportive of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) alumni and students. We invite you to join us. Networking offers alumni and current students access to each other and the opportunity for professional and social support.
Visit their website for more information.
OUTLAW is a student organization dedicated to meeting the needs of LGBTQ students and allies at Duke Law School. OUTLAW serves its student population by providing it with a forum for the discussion of legal, political, and social issues affecting members of the LGBTQ community. Membership in OUTLAW is open to any student with an express interest in providing support for the equal treatment of sexual minorities, both on-campus and beyond. OUTLAW serves an important social function as well; it allows Duke Law students who identify as either members of allies of the LGBTQ community to establish friendships and identify other students with a commitment to our community.
For more information please visit the OutLaw website:
Divinity Pride
Divinity Pride affirms the dignity, faithfulness, and strength of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and gender/sexuality non-conforming Christians! We are committed to intersectional advocacy, education, and support for queer people and our allies specifically in the Divinity School, but with a Kingdom-reaching vision. We facilitate educative dialogues for the whole community, and we are here to support anyone who is reconciling their gender/sexuality and faith, facing persecution, or desiring a safe space.
To join the listserv or connect with the leadership, please send an email to
Duke Marine Lab Alliance
DUML Alliance will accomplish these goals through the three pillars of the group:
- Support: provide social and educational outlets to create a strengthened, diverse marine lab community that welcomes and celebrates sexual and gender diversity.
- Education: safe spaces require a culture of respect, mutual learning, and dialogue, which we accomplish through educational opportunities such as Ally Training and topic-focused monthly meetings.
- Visibility: DUML is a community where support of the LGBTQIAA community is visible, so that LGBTQIAA persons in the community feel safe to be visible.
The Alliance hosts at least one event per semester at the Duke Marine Lab.
To learn more about the Duke Marine Lab Alliance you can connect via their Facebook page.
Duke oSTEM Chapter
oSTEM is a growing international organization with more than 50 chapters dedicated to educating and fostering leadership for LGBTQ communities in the STEM fields.
The goals of the oSTEM are to educate, empower, and engage a diverse STEM community by providing structured support through mentorship connections, networking opportunities, strategic collaborations, and professional/leadership development resources.
For more information about oSTEM at or join the Facebook group.
DukeMed Pride
DukeMed Pride is a Duke University School of Medicine and Davison Council-funded organization. Their mission is to provide a supportive environment for sexual and gender diverse students, faculty, staff, and their allies. They further work to promote the visibility of the sexual & gender minority (SGM) community within the School of Medicine and Duke Health, and host events that facilitate education on issues relevant to SGM patients. DukeMed Pride strives to create opportunities for intersectional activism and community building.
DukeMed Pride has planned a number of events and projects, from organizing fun social events to enacting SGM patient care classes and programs for students and medical center faculty and house staff. We are also responsible for the creation of the DukeMedicine OutList, a list of healthcare professionals who voluntarily choose to be “out” about their SGM and/or Ally identities.
For more information, please visit our website:, or contact faculty advisor Dane Whicker.
Nicholas Queer Network
The purpose of Nicholas Queer Network is to:
- Represent the needs and concerns of students, staff, faculty, and other Nicholas School community members who identify as LGBTQIA+ or allies;
- Connect students, faculty, and staff within the LGBTQIA+ community to discuss and raise awareness about the challenges and issues facing queer individuals in our immediate community and the broader environmental field;
- Educate our community and others about such challenges and work towards forward progress to solve these issues; (iv) provide opportunities for LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies to support one another through social gatherings and educational programming; and
- Foster an accepting and tolerant atmosphere within the Nicholas School in support of LGBTQIA+ students, faculty, and staff and those individuals who might be working to come to terms with their queer identity.
For more information join our Facebook page at:
Sanford Pride
Sanford Pride fosters a supportive, inclusive community for LGBTQ individuals at the Sanford School of Public Policy. The organization works directly with the administration to develop policies and programming that support all individuals at Sanford. Pride also creates a safe space for community members to socialize and share their experiences.
For more information about Sanford Pride, please email
Duke Queer and Trans Christians
Duke Queer and Trans Christians, a collaboration housed in Religious Life, is a discussion group created for LGBTQ+ people and allies to openly explore the intersection of spirituality, sexuality, and gender. This group firmly believes that all sexualities and genders are beloved, and promotes a more inclusive culture where sexual and gender diversity can coexist and affirm each other within many faith communities and contexts.
If you are interested in attending Duke Queer and Trans Christians, please reach out to the group facilitator, Angel Collie ( for more information. You can also sign up for a Coffee Chat and request to meet with Angel to hear more about the group!
Duke Queer and Trans Christians meets 2-3 times per semester.