Don’t Let the Light Go Out
Jewish Life at Duke has been enriched this year by the addition of two hand-crafted chanukyiot...
Winter Break 2023 Resources
Whether you're staying on campus / in Durham over the winter break or headed elsewhere, remember there are still resources available to you, wherever you…
Winter Break 2022 Resources
Whether you're staying on campus / in Durham over the winter break or headed elsewhere, remember there are still resources available to you, wherever you…
Fall 2022 Study Breaks
Happy Finals Season, Blue Devils! We’ve compiled all the study breaks we could find in one place for you. It is SO important to take…
Daily Devil Deals & Value Deals
Daily Devil Deals provide guests with menu items that are priced at $5 or less and Value Deals provide guests meal options that are priced…
Planning a Successful Intellectual or Social Event in Your Quad
One of the amazing things about QuadEx is that residents can that the initiative to plan intellectual and social events for their House or Quad.
DSG Elections
Get excited! Applications for first-year students to either run or apply for Duke Student Government (DSG) are now open. DSG is a great way for…
Message to Student Leaders, August 24, 2022
In the Fall of 2021, Duke Student Affairs initiated a study to review the allocation of space in the Bryan University Center (Bryan Center) in…
First Year House Council Elections Coming Soon!
Each East Campus residence hall elects a slate of student leaders who plan events for the house, make decisions about using house funds, and serve…
Student Spotlight: January 2022 Family Newsletter
Author: Sarabesh Natarajan & New Student and Family Programs Sarabesh Natarajan is a senior studying chemistry in the Trinity College of Arts and Science from…
Navigating Important Conversations
Your wisdom and guidance have informed your students’ decisions up until this point in their lives and will continue to play a critical role in…